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The Substance of Things Hoped for, The Evidence of Things Not Yet Seen.

Neon Spheres


"Focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."

- Steve Jobs

From the beginning, the minds behind gramatr™ set out to accomplish a truly unique, yet cohesive, cloud solution and service. Approached holistically , delivered simplistically, and designed to produce value that far exceeds any other offering on the market today. Our model and delivery had to mimic the basic principals of Quantum Interference and Theory.

Wait, didn't we just quote Steve Jobs on simplicity?

Anyway, what we mean by mimicking Quantum Interference and Theory is that our solution and service (Matter) had to produce such a substantial benefit that it became integrated with that specific organizations strategy across all departments (Particle or Wave).  Therefore resulting in a (Double Slit Experiment) of our own that would simultaneously traverse every possible trajectory en route to the target. In layman's terms, regardless where your organization is looking to go, our offering would become exactly what it needed to be across Small, Medium, and Enterprise-Grade Organizations for all business varieties.

Define us, if you will, as a singularity...

Because we collectively unify multiple services into one, our leadership team has a diverse background spanning a wide array of professional organizations and expertise, to deliver products and solutions that enhance and integrate every aspect your organization. 

Our Leadership however, is truly each and every single employee, partner, and consultant that brings their diverse knowledge and talents to create the multidimensional provider that we are. 



Black Diamond

Diversity & Inclusion

Being multidimensional requires being fully present to listen and absorb knowledge from every aspect, and every angle.

Being multidimensional is our DNA. We don't just welcome it, we need it to be who we are. That means we invite everyone, regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, neurodiversity, disability status, nor your past, present, and future or any other aspect which makes them unique, to take a seat at our table and feel valued, appreciated, and free. 

Without diversity and inclusion we would not be the multidimensional company we strive to be. 

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